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Answers to the questions we're most frequently asked
What to wear to an outdoor nursery
We are out for hours at a time come rain, hail or shine, so our children need to be dressed for the weather.
In Autumn/Winter:
waterproof, fleece-lined jackets
cosy, waterproof trousers (rather than all in one suits to make toilet trips and changing simpler)
extra layers of clothing
hats and gloves (mittens tend to be warmer - and waterproof, fleece-lined versions are best)
waterproof, fleece-lined snow boots with velcro fastening
In Spring/Summer:
waterproof/showerproof jacket
gloves and hats when it’s cold
light layer for when it’s sunny (especially if your child is fair-skinned)
Menu / Allergies
We adopt a healthy, vegetarian, mainly organic diet at Riverside. We have our own allotment and grow as much as we can in our allotment, with help from the children.
Breakfast here is usually cereal, toast and fruit. Snacks are usually fruit and lunch is a home cooked hot meal - something like pasta, curry, chilli or soup. Drinks are milk and water. We do our best to cater for allergies.
If your child is ill, please consider whether they should be in nursery, particularly being vigilant around the symptoms relating to Covid-19. We follow West Lothian Council’s school exclusion policy because we work with many other settings. Children with stomach bugs should stay off for 48 hours after the last bout of sickness.
Please note that as we are a mainly outdoor setting, please can we ask that if your child has an illness or injury whereby you feel they should stay indoors, please do not send them in to nursery. Our staff resource means that we cannot cater to one child who needs to stay indoors. Thanks :-)
Please provide nappies, wipes and creams for your child. Â We have set nappy changing times and obviously change nappies as and when needed.
If your child needs medication, please provide this, along with specific guidance regards administration.
Care Inspectorate Report
A link to our latest report is here.
If you would like to arrange to view the nursery, please contact us to make an appointment.
Holiday Club
Please contact us for information and our fees. Spaces are extremely limited so holiday club is restricted to siblings of and current children in daycare with us only.
Settling In
Some children settle in more quickly than others to any new environment. If your child finds settling in tricky, there are various strategies we can try until they feel secure. We follow individual plans for each child so contact us to speak with a member of staff about your child.
We take our cue from children regards their sleep and don’t follow a strict sleep routine, although we do encourage kids to sleep if parents have asked for this.  We encourage as much outdoor sleeping as possible, wrapping kids up cosy if it’s cold and gently rocking them to sleep in hammocks protected by tarpaulins if it’s wet/sunny.
Fees, Policies and Procedures
Our fees are available here, and our policies are available to browse on request. Alternatively, please contact us to request a copy.
Council Funded Hours
We are a partner provider with West Lothian Council. You can arrange to view our setting in advance of making an application to West Lothian Council.
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